Unlike typical eukaryotic cells, the malaria parasite lacks conventional centrosomes during most stages, instead relying on a bipartite MTOC. This structure consists of a cytoplasmic component and ...
A new, comprehensive map of all the genes essential for blood infections in Plasmodium knowlesi (P. knowlesi), a parasite ...
Doctors noticed that patients who had sickle cell anemia, a serious hereditary blood disease, were more likely to survive malaria, a disease which kills some 1.2 million people every year.
Transcriptional profiles of the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum ... Systems analysis of the expression data in these cells show that expression profiles cluster into three groups (colors).
Two studies show that Plasmodium—the genus of protozoans that cause malaria—have an internal sense of time that synchronizes with their host’s circadian rhythms and allows the parasites to ...