For those wondering what goes into building cars of such quality, the answer can be found at Porsche’s factory in Leipzig, Germany. Since opening its doors in 2002, the facility has been ...
After over two years of construction and roughly 500 million euros ($684 million at current rates) invested, Porsche finally opened its Leipzig, Germany, factory expansion on February 11.
The new vehicle with the project designation 'Cajun' will be manufactured at the Porsche factory in Leipzig, in the Saxony region of Germany. This was decided by the supervisory board. The ...
After more than a decade in production, Porsche has produced an entirely new Macan SUV – only this time it’s electric powered ...
Im Leipziger Werk des Stuttgarter Autoherstellers Porsche ist der zweimillionste Porsche vom Band gerollt. Ein Umbau des Werks soll in Zukunft für noch mehr Vielfalt sorgen. Leipzig (dpa/sn) - Im ...
Porsche Carrera GT: Dreams, Drama & Beauty The Carrera GT's story is one of dreams, drama and beauty intertwined. Production began in 2003 at the Leipzig factory in Germany. The first units ...
Leipzig (dpa/sn) - Der Autobauer Porsche beginnt 2023 in Leipzig mit der Serienproduktion der E-Version seines Geländewagens Macan. Das teilte das Unternehmen auf Anfrage mit. Wie viele E-Macans ...