With the various television shows, the Broadway musical, and the live-action adaption of "The Little Mermaid," Ursula has continued to evolve, as has her relationship to Ariel and King Triton.
Disney movies have each left an indelible mark on the lives of children around the world, but few fans actually realize that ...
showcasing the Caribbean-inspired kingdom of Atlantica and young Ariel's musical adventures. Taye Diggs, voicing King Triton ...
A.D. Oliver Middle School will present Disney’s The Little Mermaid JR. at the Brockport High School Auditorium on January 31 ...
On one of her visits to the surface, which are forbidden by her controlling father, King Triton, she falls for a human prince. Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with ...
Ariel’s fascination with the human world often leads her to the sea surface, a zone that’s designated as “off-limits” by her father Triton, the sea king. One day while sneaking to the ...
He is currently voicing King Triton in the new Disney Junior series Ariel, based on The Little Mermaid.