Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A doctor who charged Rs 2,500 for FFA test (Fundus Fluorescein Angiography) from patient in his private clinic, when the facility of this test was not available at All ...
Additionally, a study focused on automating the interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) images, which are crucial for evaluating diabetic retinopathy. The deep learning model ...
In eyes with hypertensive choroidopathy, fundus fluorescein angiography reveals patchy filling defects that represent hypoperfusion of the choriocapillaris. [7] Because optic disc edema in ...
which is an area of the retina that can become swollen if you have a damage to the vessels from diabetes. In some cases, we may require a fluorescein angiogram, which is a test to look at the ...
The retina fellow will be trained in clinical diagnosis, evaluation, management, laser treatment and all surgical techniques required in the care of vitreoretinal patients and will be expected to aid ...