Last year’s storm spotter class saw a young lady attend who was new to Central Alabama. Being from the northern United States ...
The National Weather Service issued an updated tornado warning at 5:03 p.m. on Saturday in effect until 5:45 p.m. for Fayette ...
The Alabama Constitution does not allow local governments much power. That means the Legislature must wade through many local ...
Maresh is serving life for murder in Alabama. And they are not the only ones. Fayette County investigators charged six inmates, four parolees and one corrections officer with more under investigation.
AMRare HIGH RISK (Level 5/5) for Saturday afternoon and evening UPDATE 11:08 p.m.: There are no current Tornado Warnings in ...
There's a dispute over who has the rights to a wild deer in Fayette County. One woman tried to claim the deer as her pet, giving it a dog collar and even getting it vaccinated. But the ...
Risks include strong, potentially long-track tornadoes, large hail, and damaging winds.” The part that is concerning is that ...