Making these three minor changes to your regular diet could protect your brain from dementia and strokes, Dr Bing said.
As a primary care physician, I often have older patients come to me worried about dementia ... doctor when memory lapses become frequent enough or sufficiently noticeable to concern you or a family ...
This is the 58th instalment in a series on dementia, including the research ... the journal Neurology highlighted issues doctors should discuss with patients. If yours does not raise them with ...
The report detailed 12 questions that patients should discuss ... for cognitive decline and dementia later on, he added. It’s also important to talk to your doctor about any cognitive changes ...
Doctor Shelby Harris told CBS news cut back on caffeine and alcohol before bed, try relaxation techniques and make sure you get enough exercise "We found that patients with dementia who took ...
"Our results can help doctors and other healthcare professionals choose antidepressants that are better adapted for patients with dementia," she added in a news release. For the study, researchers ...
A puzzling discovery has left doctors scratching their heads ... yet she remained symptom-free throughout her lifetime. The patient enrolled in the Alzheimer Biomarker Consortium–Down Syndrome ...
He has a very serious respiratory infection and dementia. Doctors are trying to decide next steps for this patient and how invasive the treatment ... and Sontag says writing about it and talking about ...
Yet, clinicians may struggle with how — or in some cases whether — to disclose that a patient has mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia ... to see their doctor about it.