You may already use your phone to pay for groceries, but have you ever needed it just to put them in your basket? You may, ...
People hoping to actually be able to take things off the shelves like they would do in a normal store will have to download ...
If your iPhone has a Home button with Touch ID, simply press it using the finger you registered during setup. The device will ...
To combat thieves, drugstores across the city have put many of their goods behind lock and key, forcing shoppers to wait for ...
The company said the unlocking function, part of a pilot program in New York City, will be expanded this year.
CVS just launched a new iPhone app, where it’s trialing a feature that lets you unlock in-store product cabinets with your ...
You will first need to head to the Settings app on your device and then follow the steps below. Unlocking an Android through T-Mobile's Device Unlock app T-Mobile customers with an Android 7 ...
Android 16 may add a new Secure Lock feature that will let you remotely put your Android device into an enhanced security ...