Although the mountain chickadee is the black-capped’s closest relative, the Carolina chickadee likely will cause the most trouble, especially in late spring and summer when the black-capped’s ...
Tarik Shahzad logged 294 birds last year, a new record to Cook County, which is a hot spot for bird-watching in the Midwest.
However, there is another creature with incredible memorization skills-black-capped chickadees. These small birds store away thousands of seeds and insects in preparation for the cold, harsh ...
There are seven different species of chickadees in the U.S. All of them have snazzy dark caps and black bibs. Black-capped chickadees are found at feeders throughout much of the continent ...
Wagner DN, Curry RL, Chen N, Lovette IJ, Taylor SA. 2020. Genomic regions underlying metabolic and neuronal signaling pathways are temporally consistent outliers in a moving avian hybrid zone.
The petite Black-capped chickadee emits a high noise that tells predators to scram. Hungry Pileated Woodpecker chicks will often make a buzzy sound when they are waiting for food. Numerous ...
Not that seeing belted kingfishers in the winter is anything new. We usually find at least one or two during the Christmas ...
One of the species that I most enjoy watching are chickadees when they are bustling around the woods. A flock of the little black-capped birds can quickly enliven winter woods with their active ...
A fledgling black capped chickadee. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any ...