"It is known that astrocytes are a heterogeneous cell type in their molecular and gene expression signatures, morphology and origin," Marta Navarrete, senior author of the paper, told Medical Xpress.
Astrocytes are the largest and most prevalent type of glial cell in the central nervous system. Astrocytes contribute to formation of the blood–brain barrier, participate in the maintenance of ...
A potential brain repair reservoir The study identified two distinct types of cortical white matter astrocytes. One is more widely distributed throughout the brain and has been evolutionarily ...
Astrocytes in white matter do not form a uniform population. The study highlighted two distinct types: one, widely distributed, ensures support and metabolic regulation functions. The other, located ...
In a recent study published in PNAS, Zhang showed that the transcription factor DLX2 can convert astrocytes into progenitors that produce various cell types, including neurons. 3 These findings ...