Nearly 25 years after the show premiered, 'Gilmore Girls' stars Lauren Graham and Yanic Truesdale had a holiday reunion.
The holiday season is the best time for a Gilmore Girls rewatch, and an even better time for a cast reunion. Lauren Graham ...
But the show’s stars are still in touch, even if they’re no longer in Stars Hollow, as Lauren Graham (Lorelai Gilmore) and ...
Lauren Graham and Yanic Truesdale, beloved stars of Gilmore Girls, reunited for a festive holiday selfie nearly 25 years ...
"We don’t get to see each other often enough," Truesdale, who played Michel Gerard in the series said of Graham ...
Graham and Truesdale appeared together on all seven seasons of the beloved mother-daughter dramedy, as Lorelai Gilmore and her frenemy co-worker Michel Gerard. Where Lorelai was free-spirited ...
Gilmore Girls’ Lorelai and Michel getting along to pose for a selfie? Call it a holiday miracle! Lauren Graham and Yanic ...
Lauren Graham and Yanic Truesdale are together again! On Monday, Dec. 23, the Gilmore Girls alums reunited just in time for the holidays in a post shared to Truesdale's Instagram account.