The Jack Warner Estate is a property in Beverly Hills, California 9.4-acre that was developed by Jack L. Warner of Warner Bros. who had first bought 3 acres of farmland here in 1926, expanding it over the years to 1937. A preserved 'Golden Age of Hollywood' estate, it centers around a large Neo-Georgian mansion. In February 2020, it was reported that t…The Jack Warner Estate is a property in Beverly Hills, California 9.4-acre that was developed by Jack L. Warner of Warner Bros. who had first bought 3 acres of farmland here in 1926, expanding it over the years to 1937. A preserved 'Golden Age of Hollywood' estate, it centers around a large Neo-Georgian mansion. In February 2020, it was reported that the estate had been sold by David Geffen to Jeff Bezos for $165 million, a record deal for residential property in Los Angeles.